
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thrifting Log #1, The Lampe Berger

I forget when and where I first discovered the wonder that is the Lampe Berger, a catalytic fragrance diffusing lamp that allegedly purifies air and was used in hospitals many years ago. But I'm glad I did. I am slightly less glad that they tend to cost upwards of $100 (and the oils to go in them, usually $17 and up.) There are a few other companies making fragrance lamps like these; you can get one at Fred's for less than ten bucks (I have two of these), but they aren't true Lampe Berger.

But I found one for 99 cents at Goodwill.

Allegedly a real Lampe Berger, as it is on the lamp itself and the band around the top. However, color is flaking off of it (transparent yellow paint perhaps?), but I choose to believe it is the real deal until I find out otherwise. And even if it's not legit, it is pretty in a shabby chic, seen better days manner, and they are damn good air fresheners. I doubt either version actually purifies the air, but they do make a house with four cats and a dog smell better.

And did I mention, 99 cents?

I have yet to actually purchase LB brand oils to go in my lamps, I buy mine at Fred's. It's been a bit, but believe they are around 7-9 dollars a bottle. My favorites are the mixed berry and another one that is (I think) rum-butter-vanilla-sticky bun frosting. Something like that. It's probably well past time for a trip to Fred's. I'm sure there is some tutorial online about how to make your own catalytic lamp oils, I just haven't found it yet. Or, you know, looked. But! I did just come across a fragrance/essential oils site, Wellington, and that looks interesting. I'm very much into creating my own home fragrance. It'd be fun to see what I could come up with, combining my favorites and Brian's. Violet vanilla springs to mind. Link to Wellington Fragrance.

Speaking of home fragrances, Mary's Candles. Yes please. I've seen those little stands in grocery stores and WalMart for as long as I can recall, and everything smells so good around them. Then you run into the home cleaning supplies and you get a headache from all the Tide/Surf/Gain fumes. Dinnah likes the creme brulee scent, so when I noticed the little stand on my way to grab dog food, I grabbed a bag. Her house always smells good (brulee or no), and any sort of vanilla-y scent goes over well around here. I put the bits in my Scentsy warmer, and while the scent is nowhere near overpowering, everything does smell really good around it. Which I believe has more to do with my warmer's bulb being weak, and not the melts themselves. I'm going to add some to a tea light powered diffuser I have and see what happens.

So I'm happy with my new lamp, legit Lampe Berger or no. It will look sweet on a nightstand or side table, and as I've recently sort of decided on a decorating scheme for what will be the living room, its (flaking) yellow color will go well. Yellow, navy and white are currently my home decor faves :)

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