
Monday, October 29, 2012

Dirty Movies #2: Halloween, the Sequel

Halloween is days away still, which means avoiding trick-or-treaters, and going for Chinese. Traditions are life, people. So here is part two of my dirty movies- Halloween edition post. Enjoy ;)

Yeah, Zombie Walk 04!!

Shaun of the Dead

I really am not into zombies. Like, at all. You will likely never catch me watching The Walking Dead, Night of the Living Dead, or Sister Wives. (what, I never said every thing in these lists would be relevant to each other.) I once lied at a slumber party that I was not allowed to watch horror movies, just to avoid having to watch NOTLD. I also kind of love to hate the Thriller video. That said, I love love love Shaun of the Dead. Sure, it's gory, there are droves of the undead all over, and they're feeling kinda bitey. But at the heart of this story is just a guy, his best mate, and the woman he loves. And her annoying friends. And his bastard step-dad. And irritating roommate. This is a real piece of the human condition, people! But, y'know, with zombies. It's funny, it's British, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost can do no wrong, and it definitely made me want to always have a shovel handy.

Rose Red?? More like poop brown!

Rose Red

I try to not get into many miniseries, for the fact that I tend to forget about them somewhere around the second night. That's also what happened with Rose Red, so it took me a long time to see it. And to this day, I can't say that I have seen it all the way through all at once, but it's a goal. I have seen it all, piecemeal, and it is a favorite. Haunted house, psychic kid, investigative group, secrets, secrets, has everything. And Bones! And it reminds me a lot of the next movie...

You think that fireplace is creepy now....ha ha

The Haunting

This one is a remake of a 1963 movie of the same name, and are both based on a book, The Haunting of Hill House, published 1959 (which is probably also the basis of at least 90 other movies with similar titles.) In this, a rag tag group of insomniacs- meek Nell, bi Theodora, and duuuuude, Luke- are participating in what they believe is a study on their insomnia. Another house with a secret, plus a doctor with an agenda, an ancestral connection to the house, and murdered children, however, mean this is more than just a few nights trying to sleep in a creepy house. A few...unpleasant...physical things will likely make you recoil a bit, but the movie is not super scary, so much as a wistful, coming home story. But with ghosts and murder and human guinea pigs, of sorts. 

Oh, this old thing? Yeah, it was part of Tiffany's "Bloodletting" collection.

Interview With the Vampire

I have seen this (also at Dinnah's...I miss her mom's movie collection!) And I have read the book. It may be cliche to like Anne Rice and Stephen King, but meh. What I do not particularly care for, is Tom Cruise, but in this, he really never looked better. I also like period sets, and this does not disappoint. I do not like having my wrists fucked with, so scenes like the above image, really make me cringe. But what is a horror movie without a few wanna-puke-inducing moments? I have the same issue with True Blood (that, and Marni. What the hell. Really?!) I hope to catch this one on one of the various channels showing it lately, as I haven't seen it for a bit, and really, who is a more lovably messed up vamp than Louis? 

I'm trying to avoid a miles-long post, so that's it for this time. Til next time, have yourself a scary little day!

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